Printer’s Row Infill
Urban Housing — Chicago, Illinois
Envisioned for a narrow empty site near the heart of Chicago, this mixed-use infill building creates amenities the area currently lacks.
The design responds to a broad need for sustainable, hyper-local developments encouraging pedestrian traffic and revitalization in formerly industrial urban areas, as well as the specific needs of the Printer’s Row neighborhood itself. Nine adjacent universities lie within a ten-minute walk of the site, but no grocery stores. With a major grocer to anchor the building at its base, the 170 loft apartments above provide needed housing for students and others connected to the universities.
The building’s brick façade and terra cotta details complement the unique architectural identity of this former printing center of the Midwest. The well-known 19th-century Chicago loft aesthetic is continued with large windows, lending each unit plentiful natural light and skyline views.